This website is based around a bed and breakfast business located in the Redcliffe area. We have taken their website to another level so it tags in with the local council targeting accommodation and tourist spots in the Moreton Shire.
So if families are looking to stay in an accommodation facility within the Redcliffe area, we have made it more appealing by locating points of interest and pointing out how easy it is to stay and travel short distances to those points of interest and can book them from this establishment.
Deluxe NewsPro Module: This enable us to have your articles categorised and place in different positions throughout your site giving different effects, like play video in a pop up window.
Html Pro Module: This enables us to custom different elements even add a Google map right on the site.
Contact Wall Module: We can stylise how and who to contact with this module.
Socializer Module: This gives a new meaning to the way your social logos look and act when hovered over.
Kommento: This program allows visitors and registered members to place comments about articles on the site. It also screens out potential spammers.
4 Pre-set Styles, 70+ Module Positions, 60+ Stock Module Suffix Styles,
3 Mootools based Menu Styles - Suckerfish - Dropline - DualFish, RTL / LTR Support,
Commented source files, Cross Browser Support for IE9, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome, Table-less CSS3 Template Design, Responsive CSS3 Grid, Bootstrapped Template, Article Sidebars and Mulitple Layout Options