Graphic Design

Paul Lye
Written by 
Friday, 12 July 2013 09:31
Read 64287 times
Last modified on Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:10
(1 Vote)


Graphic design is all about grabbing the attention of your audience. Make them look at what and who you are by the way your marketing images are designed thus making a picture say a thousand words.


Does your logo portray your business ideals or is it part of your business name. Most small to medium size businesspeople think that having a brand is for the big boys in business. My question is how do you know what size a business is? Is it because they have a brand?

Yes we know McDonald's, Toyota and others are big businesses but even McDonald's started out as a small business; it wasn't until they branded their business and set goals and implemented ideas that they have become one of the largest franchised models today. It started with the big M!

Each businessperson I develop a website for is informed about how their website is set out and the first item that visitors will notice as soon as they hit the website is the business logo. So if they don't have an appropriate logo, for a small fee I can design one for them. They can also use this logo on all of their printed matter; it's good to have your branding starting from your website and that same brand on all marketing materials.

Here are a few of samples we had design for our clients:

24hr1.1  Logo2-Inspired  pSlogo 

Website Graphics

The graphics and pictures that are located on your website are not just placed there; they play very important roll in assisting your website to tell a story. There is a lot more that goes on behind the scenes like coding, size and name; for example each picture not only has to tell a story it also has to be named as a title. Search engines tag pictures by their name so if your logo is titled logo1 and not "businessname_logo" for example, then the search engines will file it under "logo1". Try this type into Google; "Picture of 'your_business_name' logo" and see what pictures are shown, does your logo appear?

We take great care when developing your website and every detail of that site is meticulously planned and built to the best we can offer, from your logo to the look and everything in-between.

Contact us now to start your on-line marketing the correct way, this is an investment into your business that will change it forever. 

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