Social Media

Paul Lye
Written by 
Thursday, 18 July 2013 06:04
Read 65018 times
Last modified on Sunday, 23 March 2014 17:19
(2 votes)

Market Your Website

Market your website through social media, are you using it to advantage your business? With social media you can target social groups as opposed to using the scatter gun approached, lets say you want to only target people in Brisbane, well make friends requests with only people from that area. Ensure you have a business page on Facebook, a Google+ page and a Twitter account and that they are linked to your website's home page? These three social media's count towards your websites ranking with search engines, you then have to work these three media's to your advantage by having your social friends recommending and liking your website.

Social Media Marketing

Part of our SEO program is to incorporate your social media to best serve your website's ranking. If you don't have one or all of the accounts mentioned we can assist you to set-up these accounts. If your website is not set to auto-post to these accounts we can also help to add an extension to your site so that each time you write a new article on your site it automatically posts that article directly to the three at the same time.

Now that your site is a posting machine you need to plan on writing articles that will target your ideal audiance, adding new or editing existing articles on your site should be done regulary as this will assist with your websites ranking as search engines look for new content. You have been wondering why your sites ranking has been slipping? Well content plays a very important part to any sites ranking, so update, change and reword and your site will stay and increase its ranking.

Above a few tips to assist you and your website we can put together a complete marketing plan that will see your site and business benefit, contact us now to find out how?

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